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JUNE 7, 2010

6:50PM                  Memorial Hall

Present:        Chairman David White, Kimberly Ferguson, James Jumonville, Anthony Renzoni, Robert Lavigne

Others Present: Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager, Robert Martin, Town Counsel, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Chairman White opened the meeting at 6:50PM.   The Board participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Memorial Day Essay Winner/Eagle Scout Award

Brendan Stanton, a student from Mountview Middle School, read his winning Memorial Day Essay entitled “What Memorial Day Means To Me.”

Sel. Renzoni said that 185 students submitted essays to the contest.

Sel. Ferguson introduced Patrick Russo who achieved the rank of Eagle Scout at his Court of Honor on June 6, 2010.  Patrick, a senior at Wachusett Regional High School, completed his Eagle Scout project by performing a clean up of local historical cemeteries in Holden.  Patrick thanked Rich Dewitt and the staff at the DPW for their help with his project.  

Chairman White commended both Brendan and Patrick for their community spirit and for being a credit to their community.

Police Accreditation Award

Town Manager Galkowski announced that the Holden Police Department has been re-certified by the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Committee.  Certificate status will be extended through May 2012.  This is the Department’s 3rd Certification Award.  The Board congratulated the Department for its achievement.  

Citizens’ Address

No one came forward to address the Board.

Selectmen Licenses and Appointments


The Board discussed authorizing the Town Manager to approve licenses during the summer months in the absence of regular Board meetings.  It was agreed to approve this authorization pending notification of the license to the Chair.

The Manager reported that Zoning Board of Appeals member Roy Fraser’s term expired on May 31, 2010.  She asked how the Board wanted to approach the reappointment process.

The Board expressed an interest in continuing its practice to interview all committee/commission appointments/reappointments.

Ms. Galkowski said she will schedule an interview with Mr. Fraser for a future meeting.

Ms. Galkowski said a vacancy exists on the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Interested applicants should fill out a Do Something questionnaire on the Town’s website and return it to the Town Manager.

Town Manager’s Miscellaneous

Town Manager Galkowski reported the following roads are scheduled for repaving this summer: Alpha Road, Anderson Ave., Anthony Drive, Anthony Drive Ext. Bullard Street, Cook Street, Gail Drive, Harold Street, Highland Street, John Street, River Street (Bridge to Rail Trail), River Street (Harris Road to Landfill), Stoneleigh Road, and Thorney Lea.  Additionally, the town will pave sidewalks located at Salisbury Street from Dawson School to Main Street, Doyle Road from Nelson Street to the City Line, and Industrial Drive.

The Manager reported that this summer, the developer of Stoney Brook Estates will install a sewer main on Reservoir Street from Avery Heights Drive to the development approximately 400 feet from Greystone Drive.  Construction is anticipated to begin on June 21st and will continue until early September.  The developer and the town have met with businesses at the Big Y plaza to accommodate any concerns.  Notices are being mailed to abutters.  The roadway will be down to one lane from 7AM-3:30PM every day, weather permitting.  A traffic detour may occur up Avery Heights Drive or Bailey Road during the construction.  Every effort will be made to avoid the detour.  Approximately 78 houses will be built in the subdivision.  Chairman White asked the Manager to report back on the status of the town’s sewer capacity and how the construction of this subdivision will affect the sewer capacity.

The Manager reported that the State has been repairing the Princeton Street Bridge, which has been closed since early April.  Work anticipated to finish on June 9th has been delayed and the bridge will not reopen in the immediate future.

The Holden Pool opened the weekend of June 5th.  The pool will also be open the weekend of June 12th.  New this year, the Recreation Department will open the pool June 14 – 18, 3:30PM-7PM.  The Manager added that the water buckets are now repaired and operational.  Sel. Ferguson requested the town place orange barrels in the crosswalks to alert drivers of the need to slow for pedestrians.

The Board reviewed the year-to-date revenue and expenditure reports for the period ending April 2010 prepared by Town Accountant Lori Rose.

The Manager informed the Board that an amendment has been filed in the Senate to delay the implementation of the new Open Meeting Law requirements until November 2010.  The amendment will go to the House/Senate Conference Committee for final resolution.  The Manager said that the Town was proceeding with the installation of a bulletin board at the back of the Town Hall and continues to research the possibility of installing an electronic kiosk at the new public safety building lobby to aid in the implementation of the law.  Chairman White said that Town departments should begin implementing the process of the new law now despite the possibility of a November Statewide start date.

The Manager reported that long-time Town employee Rich DeWitt, Supervisor of Operations, DPW, announced his retirement from Town services effective June 25, 2010.  Preparations for his retirement party are underway.

Selectmen Reorganization Update

Chairman White announced that the Board held a reorganization meeting on May 13th.  He said that he had been elected Chairman, Sel. Renzoni had been elected Vice-Chair and Sel. Lavigne had been elected as Clerk.

Chairman White commended Sel. Ferguson for leading the Board as its selfless and tireless leader while serving as Chairman during 2009-2010.

Selectmen Summer Meeting Schedule/Employee Appreciation Event

The Board agreed to schedule its summer meetings on Monday, July 26th and Monday, August 16th.  The Board agreed to hold the annual Employee Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday, June 29th from 12PM-2PM at Trout Brook.

Selectmen Subcommittees

Chairman White requested that Selectmen submit their subcommittee preferences to him for committee reassignment/reorganization.

Sel. Renzoni: Master Plan: Will meet with the Recreation Department on June 15th at 7PM.

Sel. Jumonville: Memorial Day Parade: Next meeting will be held June 9, at 7PM in Memorial Hall.  Holden Cable is working on airing a tape of the parade by the end of the month.  Sel. Ferguson commented that the parade gets bigger and better every year.  It was a demonstration and moving tribute to the Town’s Veterans.
Starbard Scholarship Committee: Received one application.  Town Manager’s Office will schedule the interview.  

Sel. White: Public Safety Building: Reported that the Board of Selectmen, members of the Finance Committee, members of the Public Safety Building Committee and members of the press toured the progress being made at the Public Safety Building site.  The project is approximately 70% complete and the town is getting something that it will be proud of for many years to come.  The Committee continues to meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6PM at the Light Department.

Selectmen Miscellaneous

Sel. Renzoni: 1. Asked for the most recent Water/Sewer account information.  The Manager said that the budget numbers are ready around the 10th of each month and anticipates ending the year in the black.
2. Inquired about a comprehensive billing plan.  The Manager said that a draft of the scope of work is being prepared.
3. The Manager reported that according to the City of Worcester the West Mountain Street Water Vault “pit” is on backorder and work is not anticipated to begin until July.
4. Discussed the State’s Reimbursement of the Special Elections:

Sel. Jumonville: 1. Street Sweeping sand is usually dumped at Adams Road and is made available to residents.  The Manager reported that street sand is considered hazardous waste because of the oil that is in the road and sand when the streets are cleaned.  The sand is stockpiled and reused by the DPW and is not available for public use.
2. Repair of Unionville Bridge road.  The Manager said the State does not want to partner with the town to fix the road and the town does not have the money to conduct the extensive necessary repairs.
3. Trees near the sidewalk at 468 Shrewsbury Street have been marked to be removed.  What is the status?  The Town Manager will report back.

Waste Recycling Fees and Recycling Bylaw

The Town Manager reported that the FY2011Solid Waste Enterprise Fund budget as originally presented and adopted by Town Meeting indicates a need to increase revenue by $52,000 in order to pay the increased costs of collection and disposal.  The Town Manager reminded the Board that during the budget process, the budget was also increased by $21,000 to implement a new recycling effort and to reinstate the sticker program.  It is believed that these two efforts will increase the Town’s recycling rate and reduce the cost of solid waste disposal in order to be revenue neutral.

As such, the Town Manager recommended that the Board hold a public hearing to consider increasing fees related to the solid-waste program effective July 1, 2010: Plan A. 65-gallon tote to $17/month ($16.25) and Plan B. 35-gallon tote to $12.50/month ($11.00).

The Manager commented that 35-gallon toter customers have not had an increase to their monthly billing since the implementation of the program in 2005.

Sel. Renzoni objected to the portion of the plan that would place a community recycling dumpsters at the Public Safety Building and/or the Senior Center.  Mr. Dennis Lipka, Director, Growth Management Department said that Casella would provide and maintain streamlined dumpsters painted whatever color the Town chooses.

The Manager said that by implementing all the components of the new recycling program, the ultimate goal is to decrease the town’s trash tonnage by 500 tons and increase the town’s recycling tonnage by 500 tons.  This will increase the Town’s total recycling rate to around 53%-55%.  The decrease in the trash tonnage costs is an important component to help make the 2011 budget revenue neutral.

Sel. Ferguson asked what it would take to increase recycling pickup to weekly instead of bi-weekly.  She reported that residents complain that their recycling toters are so full at the end of two weeks that they often end up throwing their recycling into their trash toter because the recycling bucket is too full.

Mr. Lipka commented that the implementation of a community drop off center would allow residents to dispose of recycling material materials in between recycling pick-ups.

Sel. Ferguson commented on billing services.  Ms. Galkowski said that Jim Robinson, Light Department Manager is preparing a program to educate new homeowners to Town Services.  When new residents sign up at the Light Department for electricity, they will also be educated/signed up for water/sewer and trash services in Town.

Sel. Renzoni said he had prepared several different “alternate” recycling programs that involve a “volunteer” recycling program.  He said he was opposed to implementing a government mandated recycling.

Sel. Jumonville said that he was interested in educating the public about recycling but was more interested in asking residents to participate instead of mandating the process.

Sel. Ferguson said she had similar concerns about the proposed mandated program and said she would not support it at this time.

Sel. Lavigne said he had issues with the enforcement actions of the proposed policy and the infringement of privacy issues with the mandated proposal.   He said that he felt there were other ways to increase residential recycling amounts.


The Board agreed to hold a public hearing to discuss trash/recycling rate increases at their June 21st meeting.

Approval of Previous Meetings

Motion by Sel. Ferguson, seconded by Sel. Jumonville, it was VOTED 4-0-1 WITH 1 ABSTENTION TO APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 3, 2010. (ABSTAINED: LAVIGNE.)

Motion by Sel. Ferguson, seconded by Sel. Lavigne, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE AND HOLD THE EXECUTIVE SESSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 11, 2010.

Town Counsel cautioned that in the future, approval of Executive Session minutes should be made during an executive session in case changes need to be made to the content of the minutes.


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Jumonville, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JUNE 7, 2010 MEETING AT 8:42PM.

APPROVED:               June 21, 2010